Monday, May 23, 2005

Kaiser Youth Market Study

Youth Market

a. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation Study released in 2005, 74% of 8
to 18 year olds listen to the

Radio…. That’s more than listen to a CD, tape, or MP3 player

b. The Kaiser Study also found that 84% of 8 to 18 year olds have a Radio in
their bedroom -- that’s more

than have a TV (68%) and a lot more than have a computer (31%)

c. Over one-third of 12 to 24 year olds noticed stations playing fewer
commercials (36%) and shorter

breaks (39%) in the Arbitron/Edison Media Spot Load Study

d. The same Spot Load Study found that younger listeners (12 to 24) are more
likely to increase Time Spent Listening to Radio when a decrease in spot
loads is perceived


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