Friday, April 22, 2005


Ouch it Hurts -Open letter to Music Industry
By Paul Porter of

Seem strange that the majority of comments on the topics that involve job security
and growth. Very few think of longevity and how to evolve and survive. Year by year jobs are cut and
devalued without even a blurb. Salaries are at an all time low while mouths continue to roar with no rhyme
or reason. You can’t figure out where your going if you don’t know where you been.

Case in point , let’s start with programming and the demise of Black programmers. How is it that Radio One
continues to hire a white PD in LA without the eyeballs of the industry taking notice? Yeah I heard
the defense from the band of idiots before. Tom is great he’s a winner. Jay Stevens is the best. John
Dimick’s ratings have not suffered. Wake the f*c* up you band of idiots and realize these jobs are your
jobs. It never happens in country radio that a Black PD makes that kind of switch. It never happens that
way in CHR not ever. We continue to hide behind our paltry salaries and never stand up for a damn thing
anymore. Hip Hop is our culture and we continue to see our slide go unnoticed without even a whimper.

Suckers are born everyday and Radio has the largest bunch. Toby Mayo in New York leads the charge as Emmis
has kept it’s hands lilly white in succesion with Steve Smith, Tracy Cloherty and now john Dimick.
Coincedence or calculated move? If you ask Mayo he will tell you he hired the best man. Rick Cummings
might as well have a string connected to his puppet sized GM. Case and point in LA with the departure of
Scorpio and the substitution of Calicocci. Mary Catherine pulls another KKK like coo and you continue
to roll over.

How about the country’s big monster Clear Channel and their Black leadership? Oh yeah you say Doc Wynter
with a smile right? Wrong again he is the Director of programming without VP stripes. You figure.

Look at the picture on the big boy’s corporate websites not a Black face on the Board of Directors at
Clear Channel, Emmis or Infinity. Hell billion dollar Bob Johnson never held a seat at Viacom and now he is
gone. I think it is time to start looking at things in Black and White your color PC is effecting your
vision. Salaries are down and you have to have worked in the biz for a minute to truly understand that so
don’t even comment unless you have played this game for over 10 years.

By now your pissed already thinking of a way to defend the truth. Jay Stevens is great because brothers made
him that way! Ask Reggie Rouse if he makes one fourth of Jay’s salary. Ask Mary Catherine how she creates
and controls the largest Black broadcast company in America. Ask Barry Mayo why he hired a country/smooth
jazz dude to handle HOT97. I have heard from all of you stand for nothing negroes before with the same old
comment… I got a check.

Personally I see the big stick being shoved up many a radio ass without a word. A real man would say ouch
but many continue to say damn what else can I do. I love my job.


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